Liberation Fitness Coming Soon!!
Welcome To The Liberation Fitness!
We Focus on Your Wellness to Release the Gift in you to the Nations!
​The mission of The Liberation Fitness Agency, LLC is to release the gift to the nations.​
The vision of the Liberation Fitness Agency seeks to provide diverse resources to all humanity. We believe that Jesus Christ released redemptive gifts into the earth, and it is our responsibility to mobilize these gifts through the spirit of wisdom, in a way that these gifts can be utilized towards the full restoration of mankind.Therefore, we will take a unorthodox approach in providing the wisdom needed to create forward movement without compromising biblical principles. We will provide through multimedia, wellness programs & education. We will also provide creative consultations on the basis of wisdom and creativity for both short-term and long-term planning unto the mobility of his gifts. Furthermore, through producing books, training material, and much more we will play an intricate role in releasing the gift to the nations.